Benefits of Cockroach
Cockroaches (or roaches)
have been around longer than humans. It is believed that they have been roaming
the earth for 350 million years. There are roughly 4,000 species ranging in
size, shape, and color. They live around the world and prefer warm conditions.
Only a very few species (about 25) live in human habitations and are considered pests. Despite being disgusting creatures (by many), there are
many interesting cockroach facts.
Many animals (including
small mammals, amphibians, and birds) eat cockroaches and, believe it or not,
they are also used by some for medicinal purposes. For centuries, they have
been used to cure illnesses, including indigestion and dropsy (edema). Some people
apply crushed roaches to stinging wounds to relieve pain.
Cockroaches eat what other organisms leave laying, breaking it down
and increasing the amount of nitrogen in the soil. ... Cockroaches provide many benefits, but these insects
still spread bacteria at your house. Plus, proteins from cockroach saliva and
feces could trigger symptoms for allergy sufferers.
1. Villain for Bacteria
Cockroach has certain
chemical compounds to kill bacteria. It kills bacteria because the chemical
compounds are toxic to harmful bacteria. Based on this, the pharmacy uses a
cockroach as an antibiotic that kills bacteria. Thing you should notice is, the
cockroach should be processed by a professional and not eaten raw. .
2. Boon for stomach flu
Stomach flu is an
infection of inflammation that occurs in stomach and intestines. A syrup from
cockroach can relieve symptoms of stomach flu. The symptoms are cramps around
the abdomen, diarrhea, pain and a slight fever..
3. Remedy for burns
The Health Benefits of
Cockroach one of them is to treat burns. Some of hospital in China uses cream
from the powdered cockroach to treat burns. That’s really shocking!
4. Cure for diarrhoea
Diarrhea is a common
disease of digestion. The disease can affect every person, from children to
adults, even it can affect animals. A study found that cockroach has a
substance in the brain which can kill Escherichia Coli bacteria. It is bacteria
that may cause diarrhea in certain level and usually found in intestines..
5. Protein source
Cockroaches are known
to have high protein content. It is believed to meet the needs of daily
protein. To note is, cockroaches that will be eaten with rice should be well
processed first or even will endanger your health such as trigger symptoms for
allergy sufferers.
There are some Benefits of Cockroach, and also you should notice not to forget that cockroach
might cause some disease because of its bacteria.
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