Poultry includes several kinds of birds, such as chicken,
ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowls. poultry production has many advantages
for farmer who likes poultry and is industrious. For success, a poultry ma must
good judgment in managing the enterprise. The following are the desirable
features of poultry production.
Classification of Fowls
Fowl may be
classified based on utility, economic value or fancy purpose and these include
1. Meat type: The breeds that
lay less eggs and heavy in body weight are called table or meat type breeds.
They are mainly reared for meat production. Brahama, Cochin, Lengshan, Aseel,
etc. are meat type breeds.
2. Egg type: The breed that
lays big egg and are not heavy in body weight are called egg type or laying birds.
Leghorn and Minorca are egg type laying bird.
3. Dual purpose: The breeds
that lay more egg and heavy in body weight are called dual purpose breeds. They
are ideal breeds for the small farmers. Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, New
Hampshire, Australorp, Orpington etc. are the dual purpose breeds.
poultry breeds
A very large majority of the domestic fowls in Nepal are
non-descript. As a rule, the name desi (local) is given to the indigenous fowls
of any description. The number of improved fowls in Nepal is very small. The
common desi hens show a great variation in there color, size, and are poor
layers of small-sized eggs. These are, however, ideal mothers, good sisters and
excellent foragers. They are hardy and possess natural immunity against common
diseases. Among the local breeds, which are said to be more or less pure are
assel and ghagus.
Aseel is
the most important of all the indigenous breeds of fowls. It is well known for
its fighting qualities and is considered an ideal table bird. Its flesh is
plentiful, delicious and has a characteristic pleasant flavor. These fowls are,
however, poor layers, hoe in fecundity and sloe in growth.
Aseel is a large and noble-looking
bird. There is no fixed or standard color. The comb is very small and varies in
type. The face is rather long, the wattles are rudimentary and almost
imperceptible. The ear lobes are small. The neck is scantily feathered. the
plumage has little fluff and the feathers are tough. The standard weight is
nearly 4.5 kg in adult cocks and 3.5 kg in adult hens.
Ghagus is a
big and hardy breed. The birds are good for table. The hen is a fair layers. It
is a good sitter and efficient mother. Ghagus has a small single or pea-shaped
comb. The wattles and earlobes are small. The throat is loose and baggy. The
legs are rather long, straight and strong. the usual plumage coloration is red,
bay, brown, black, and gray. The weight of an cock and hen varies from 4 to 5
kg and 3 to 4 kg respectively.
White Leghorn
Leghorn is one of the one most popular egg breeds of fowls all over the world.
The breed originated in Italy and as far there are 12 varieties. Only three
varieties however, have become popular. They are: (i) single comb white, (ii)
single comb Buff; and (iii) single comb light Brown. The breed is small,
active, and reputed for the harmony of its various parts. It is an excellent layer, but not very much
favored for table purposes. It is small and very compact in form, carries the
tail rather low and has a small head with well set comb and wattle. It has a
relatively long back, prominent breast, and comparatively long shanks. The Shape of comb is quite important to
leghorn fanciers. The single comb of the male should be of medium size and
should stand erect, with five uniform, deeply serrated points. The front point
of the female should stand erect, but the remainder of the comb should
gradually slope to one side. The white Buff and Brown variety are subdivided
further on the basis of the character of comb. i. e ; weather it is rose or
single comb. All varieties have yellow beaks, skin, shanks (lrg) and toes.It is
suitable for dried part of the country. It does not do well on heavy or wet
soils and hilly areas. The standard weight of a cock of this breed is 2.7 kg
and a hen is 2 kg.
Rhode Island Red
Island Red originated from Rhode Island in New England after crossing with the
red Malay Game, Leghorn and Asiatic native stock. The bird has some what long,
rectangular body, which is also broad and deep. The back is flat and the breast
is carried well forward-characteristics which make it good meat producing bird.
The plumage of the Rhode Island Red is rich dark or brownish red in colour,
evenly distributed over the entire surface, and is well glossed. The wing when
spread shows black both in primaries and secondries. The tail coverts, sickle
feathers and main tail feather are also black. in lower neck feather of the
female, there is also slight black marking at the base. The usual colour of the
breed is brownish red, but buff, white and brown are not uncommon. There are
two varieties of this breed (i) single comb and (ii) Rose comb. The characteristics of the varieties are
identical aside from the type of comb. In both cases the skin and shanks are
yellow and the ear lobes red. The single comb is the more popular of the two.
Rhode Island Red is one of the best all-round breeds of poultry. the quality
and yield of flesh are good. It is an excellent layer. The eggs are
brown-shelled and are large in size. Among the exotic breeds introduced in
Nepal, Rhode Island Red is by far the most popular. It is the hardiest of all
breeds. It can withstand extreme climatic conditions in cold, wet and heavy
rainfall regions. The standard weight of the cock is 3.8 kgs and of hen 3 kgs
cockerel 3.4 kg and pullet 2.5 kg colour of egg shell, brown to dark brown.
Plymouth rock
Plymouth Rock is one of the most popular breeds in America, largely because it
is a bird good size, with excellent fleshing properties and good egg laying
abilities. Birds of this breed have long bodies and have good depth of body.
They have single combs. Mature birds weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg. There are seven
varieties of Plymouth rocks, each distinguished by its plumage. They are (i)
Barred, (ii) White, (iii) Buff, (iv) Silver pencilled, (v) Blue (vi) partridge,
and (vii) Colombian.
In general the plumage is grayish
white, each feather crossed by almost black bars which should be even in width,
straight and should extend down to the skin. Each feather should end with a narrow,
dark tip which, with the alternate dark and light bars, give a bluish cast or
shade to the surface colour. Solid black or partly black feather may occur in
some birds of practically all stains in this variety. Black spots on the shanks
are also common, particularly in females. All these strains indicate purity of
Barred Plymouth Rock: In this variety, the male birds have black and white
bars of equal width, whereas in female the white bars should be as wide as the
black bars.
White Plymouth Rock: White Plymouth rocks have
been used extensively in broiler production. The plumage is white throughout
and usually free from black ticking, brassiness and creaminess. The variety was
developed from a sport of the barred variety
Australorp is considered a good
all-round breed. The breed was developed in Australia where for many years it
has been bred principally for egg production rather than meat. It is also very
fleshy which makes it a good dual-purpose breed. The back is somewhat long, and
the body slopes gradually towards the tail. It has a good depth of body, and
more closely feathered than the Orpington. The comb is single, the body is
black, plumage is lustrous greenish black in all the sections, the under
colouring is dull black. This breed gaining popularity in the wet and heavy
rainfall regions. The standard weight of the cock is 3.8 kg and of hen 3.0 kg
Cockerel 3.4 kg pullet 2.5 kg.
Sussex was developed in England as
table bird. The Sussex has a long body, broad at the shoulder and with good
depth from front to rear. The breast is well developed and the bird has
excellent fleshing qualities. They have single comb, and horn-colored beaks,
shanks and toes. There are three varieties of this breed i.e. Light Sussex, Red
Sussex and Speckled Sussex. The standard weight of cock is 4.5 kg and of Hen
3.5 kg. Cockerel 3.5 kg pullet 3 kg.
New Hampshire
The New Hampshire was developed from the Rhode Island Red,
apparently with some crossing with one or more other breed in 1930 for both
meat and egg production, is relatively a new breed developed in the United
States. The characteristics features of this breed are single com, Chestnut Red
plumage, early maturity, rapid feathering etc. they are good producer of large
brown shell egg and good quality meat. The lower neck feathers are distinctly
tipped with black and the main tail feathers are black, edge with chestnut red.
The under color of both the sexes is light salmon. The standard weight of cock
is 3.8 kg, and of hen 2.9 kg. Cockerel 3.4 kg pullet 2.5 kg.
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