Market of chemical fertilizer in Nepal

Market of chemical fertilizer in Nepal

Nepal is a country dominated by agriculture. From development of economy, agriculture has played a vital position in national economy. The development rate of agriculture to a large extent, determines the growth rate of the national economy, which is a significant features of Nepal’s economy development. The rapid development of agriculture leads to blooming of fertilizer market in Nepal.

Fertilizer in Nepal

Almost all type of chemical fertilizers used within the country are imported from other countries due to no production of such materials within the country. The fertilizer consumption (kilogram per hectare of arable land) in Nepal was 1.36 in 2009, according to a World Bank report published in 2010. Now, these figures have been treble in 2018. Nitrogenous types of fertilizer are applied more in Nepal. Urea and DAP are major chemical fertilizer while many farmer are unaware about use of MoP so, this fertilizer are not used as comparable to urea and DAP. Some educated farmer use zinc sulphate as additional fertilizer for supply of zinc and sulphur to the soil.


According to statistical data, less than 10% of agricultural lands are not in contact of chemical fertilizer. This figure clearly determines the market importance of chemical fertilizer in Nepal. Nepalese farmer have spent a lots of money in buying chemical fertilizers. Initially chemical fertilizer are used only in agronomical crops like rice and wheat but now it is applying more in horticultural crops such as vegetables and fruits. In world, market of chemical fertilizer shares billion dollar business. There is a trend of increasing yield with the excessive use of chemical fertilizer. Nepal has to spend million and billion rupees on buying chemical fertilizer from foreign countries. This makes cost of chemical fertilizer higher than it actually is. This type of condition creates more cost of production per product in Nepal as compared to foreign countries. So, foreign markets are dominating in Nepal and Nepalese economy is down. Nepal have to make provision for manufacturing of chemical fertilizer in own country for better development of agriculture. If this problem is not solve in time then no any farmer will get satisfy from agriculture and at last ultimate goal of Nepalese become foreign employment.
market of chemical fertilizer in nepal

market of chemical fertilizer in nepal

market of chemical fertilizer in nepal


Organic manure such as livestock dung, urine, green manure etc is used as fertilizer in agriculture initially but production was not so enough to hold growing population of nation as well as world. This reason arise the production of chemical fertilizer. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer has destroyed soil structure, soil texture and porosity. The productivity of soil is decreasing day by day and new types of pest and disease are emerging day by day. Chemical fertilizer also affects health of human and animals. Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizer in the soil has increases the alkanity of soil and also causes nitrogen poisoning in drinking water and reduction on amount of oxygen dissolve in water. According to statistical data, number of people suffering from cancer and heart diseases are increasing rapidly and randomly and it is believe that chemical fertilizers are factor for it.


Population of Nepal is increasing regularly and demand for food is also increasing. There must be use of chemical fertilizer to fulfill such demands of food but use of chemical fertilizer must be integrated with organic farming. There must be use of organic manure to chemical fertilizer in the ratio of 3:1 to overcome damage on soil cause by chemical fertilizers. In terms of market strategy, there is high demand of fertilizer industry in Nepal. If it is possible in time then Nepalese market goes to top and can compete easily with foreign market. Interest toward agriculture increases which can solve many unemployment problems of Nepal. There will be national economic rises through agriculture and rate of people movement toward foreign employment goes down progressively.


