common problems in fruits cultivation

Common problems in fruits cultivation

Eating fruits daily can boost up your health and prevent from many types of diseases but there are common problems which affect fruits cultivation. Here is the list of problems in fruits cultivation. 

common problems in fruits cultivation

common problems in fruits cultivation                                                                      

Fruits cultivation is relatively trouble free but you may have to face some troubleshoot during its growth to harvest. Every problem has its own solution so you mayn’t have to lose your efforts and hope. Some of common problems in fruits cultivation are

                Soil problem( soil pH and soil drainage)

       Climatic factors( frost, sun burn and storm)



Soil pH

It is the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration. According to pH, soil can be classified into three groups’ i.e. acidic soil, alkaline soil and neutral soil. Neutral soil is highly suitable for fruits cultivation and soil rich in organic matters are slightly acidic and suitable for cultivation. Alkaline soil is not so suitable for cultivation but some flowering such as lily; iris, blue bell, and morning glory grow in alkaline soil. Fruits such as apple (5.0-6.5), pear (5.5-6.5), peach (5.8-6.8) etc. grow in slightly acidic soil.

Remedy; if soil is highly acidic then agricultural lime should be used in appropriate amount and if soil is highly alkaline then Sulphur containing compound such as gypsum, aluminum sulphate and rich organic matter should be used.

Soil drainage

Soil should have good drainage capacity unless it leads to water-logging condition (high amount of water) which may cause root rot and ultimate death of root and plant. Soils which are frequently in use in cultivation have low drainage capacity than soil not cultivated for long time. Excessive use of rotavator has decrease drainage capacity of soil by forming impenetrable pan.

Remedy; repeated ploughing instead of rotavator, and incorporating organic matter in the soil. Plant should be planted in raised area and soil should be incorporated around the stem so that rain water can drain away.


Sometimes frost last up to month of April, in which flowering of fruits takes place. If frost occurs, the flower on bush or tree will die and won’t have fruit in that year. Excessive frost leads to chilling injury and freezing injury.
Remedy; there should be provision of wind break tree so that problem of frost occur much for wind break rather than fruits tree. If possible provide fleece over the flush to protect from frost however allow pollinators access to the flowers to fertilize them.


Storm during flowering period and pre-harvesting period negatively hamper the fruit tree. During flowering, the flower buds fall down result in lower number of flower buds and during pre-harvesting, storm fell down many unripen fruits which haven’t got appropriate size. This causes loss of million dollars for fruits cultivators.

Remedy; chemical are available in market which can reduce the number of fruit fall but best way to prevent is wind break plantation aside of fruit trees.


Pests are always problem for fruit cultivators. Some of common pests include.
                               I.            Aphids; plant attractive flowers that attract natural predators such as ladybird, lacewings etc. to eat them
                             II.            Birds; cover fruits with nest or use device that scare birds
                          III.            Fruit borers’; use recommended spray and collect all fallen fruits and destroy it.
                         IV.            Fruit fly; use pheromone trap and collection and destroying of infested fruits.
                            V.            Red spider mite; dusting with Sulphur or spraying with lime Sulphur or 1% solution of morocide control the pest.
                         VI.            Mealy bugs; infested fruits and shoot are covered by mealy bugs along with sooty mould and honeydew. Pruning of few infected shoot and burn them. Time to time checkup of fruit is needed.

common problems in fruits cultivation


Diseases affect in every part of fruit tree which leads to poor harvest or even death of plants. Regular hygiene of plant should be made through pruning and burning of fallen leaves. Always prune tree in dry days and prune delicate tree such as apricot in summer. The pruning wound get slow heal in apricot plant which leads to more chance to disease infestation.
Some of common diseases in fruit include;

common problems in fruits cultivation

1.    Apple scab'

2.    Canker
3.    Powdery mildew
4.    Downy mildew'

5.    Mango malformation
6.    Anthracnose

7.    Mosaic

8.    Citrus greening

9.    Panama wilt'

10.                      Bunchy top

11.                      Fire blight

12.                      Leaf spot'

13.                      Ring spot
14.                      Leaf curl

15.                      Collar rot

16.                      Damping off

17.                      Pink disease

18.                      Shot hole

I hope you have learned some of the common problems in fruits cultivation. kindly, share this article to your social media if it seems beneficial.


