
PMAMP stands for prime minister agriculture modernization project is a 20 years long term agricultural plan designed by government of Nepal. It has been designed with an aim of encouraging agricultural based economy toward modernize, business, sustainable and self-sufficient agriculture using nation techniques, nation investment and nation manpower. It has started from 2073/74 (2016/17) with 7 super-zone(extensive commercial agricultural production and industrial Centre), 30 zone(commercial agricultural production and processing Centre), 150 block(commercial agricultural production Centre) and 2100 pocket area(small commercial agricultural production Centre) and at the end of plan there will be 21 super-zone, 300 zone, 1500 blocks and 10,000 pocket areas. The total investment of PMAMP is Rs. 1, 30,74,20,00,000.



Nepal’s economy is based on agriculture and about one-third of national GDP is hold by agriculture sector. According to data of 2068(2011), 30, 91,000 ha land is total cultivable land of Nepal. Many Nepalese lands are fragmented and traditional type of agriculture is performed in those lands. Many government and non- government project are running for sustainability of agriculture sectors but limited source and limited tools leads to its unsustainability. There is no profitable agricultural works.

labor based agriculture

labor based agriculture

 Private sector and youth are not interested in investment on agriculture due to non-profitable agricultural works which directly effect on Nepalese employment. Lack of good quality agricultural tools, lack of mechanization in agriculture, labor based agriculture system, no sufficient irrigation, lack of agricultural roads, insufficient rural electricity, poor agro based  industries and no marketable production leads agricultural to traditional occupation rather than business. For solving this problems PMAMP is introduce whose motto is to increase agricultural productions and productivity using necessary tools and techniques such as mechanization, processing and marketing tools development.


Development of traditional and subsistence based agriculture toward modernize commercial and sustainable agriculture.
modern agriculture


PMAMP is a on-going mega project whose main objective is to develop mechanized agriculture system rather than labor based agricultural system. Some more objectives are;

  1. To develop sustainable, self-dependent and commercialized agriculture in 20 years interval
  2. To make economic balance between huge imports and small exports through agricultural sector.
  3. To decrease trend  of foreign employment by creating agricultural based occupation in Nepal
  4. To motivate youth innovator and private sector to invest in agriculture sector.
  5. To increase number of super-zone, zone, block and pocket area of Nepal
  6. To change labour based agriculture into mechanized agriculture

In a view to create food security, self-dependent and sustainable agriculture with creation of employment opportunity, Nepal government request all Nepali citizen to help and support this mega project.



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