writing a research proposal

writing a research proposal on women empowerment through agriculture

Research proposal is most convenient way of presenting our research. This is the media for accepting any kinds of innovation in the society. Every scholars should have knowledge for preparation of proposal.

writing a research proposal 

writing a research proposal


Women accounts more than 50% of total population of Nepal. A country cannot even think to prosper and progress without the contribution from its women population. For under educated country like Nepal, the most production sector from economic prospective is agriculture. Hence in country like Nepal, where the national economy is more held by remittance. Other sources like agriculture is possible only by women empowerment. Agriculture serves both as challenge and opportunity for women to rise on their feet and prosper themselves along the country.

                                        Our project focuses on the type of agriculture being operated and practiced by Nepalese women and the degree of empowerment they have achieved. Similarly, it digs to find out the problems being faced by lady farmers in Nepal, their level of agricultural knowledge, outreach of government subsidies to lady farmers, level of mechanization in agriculture and their familiarization with it.

The project is to be conducted in BAIRIYA BANGANGA MUNICIPALITY, KAPILVASTU district Nepal. The project site will represent all similar system of terai region of Nepal. The project required a funding of Nrs.1, 00,000 for transportation, accommodation, stationery materials and pamphlets etc.

Statement of the proposal

As most of the men in rural setting of Nepal have been involved in foreign employment; that too in labor intensive works the agriculture for women in absence of their male counterparts is a challenge as well as opportunity to prove them. The study a “women empowerment through agriculture” will give the current scenario of representative lady farmers of Nepal. Though, the involvement of ladies in agriculture is up to 98%, the status of their economy and living standard not up to the expected mark; thanks to the subsistence type of agriculture, poor subsidy outreach, remittance luxury, no commercialization in agriculture and so on. Hence, the study on the proposal can benefit people right from agriculturist to government officials and NGOs for status acknowledgment and preparation of substantial plans.

Program description

Women empowerment through agriculture will enable the agricultural planners and women empowerment enthusiasts to obtain concrete fact and figures about women involved in agriculture and degree of gain they are obtaining from the same. Similarly, we can have our acquaintances with contribution of women in family income and their socio-economic status. The status of any government plans if enforced and at the end the way society embraces these aspects. The research with stand as a representative database for all similar settings in Nepal.


The goal of “women empowerment through agriculture” is to study the status of women involved in agriculture and point out their socio-economic status backed by strong datasheet and evidences. A part from these, it arms at finding the reason behind poor economic condition despite larger participation of women. In a nutshell the main aim can be highlighted as follows.
  1.     To find the number of women involved in productive agriculture.
  2.     To analyze the socio-economic condition of women in agriculture
  3.    To find the extent of outreach of government subsidy to lady farmers.
  4.     To find the general problems being faced by lady farmers
  5.     To allocate the level of mechanization achieved by lady farmers in       agriculture.

Significance of the study

At the end of study, an individual can derive a number of facts, figures and current sceneries relevant with women involved in agriculture. Their economic upliftment can be measured with the study and it can serves as a study material for research, planners, agriculture tool vendor to carryout plan and policies to benefit of all. As the study is to be performed in a rural setting it will furnish the level of commercialization in agriculture that can be derived in the same and influence the lives of people of the similar area.

Literature review

Raj kaini at republica writes that women’s participation in agriculture labor force in Nepal had increased. From 36% in 1981 to 45% in 1991 and by 2016 it had reached over 50%. Globally, women accounts for 45% of agriculture labor force, same happen to be with Nepal too. In Africa and Asia the toll is even as high up to 60% even though they own less than 20% of agricultural land, according to FAO, UN. This suggests that agriculture is being feminized. Different report like” the state of food and agriculture 2010-2011” or “the world development report 2012” states that women are wise decision maker but also effective resources manager if they are given the opportunity to realize their potential( prativa khanal, may 2014). According to UN women’s joint program, rural women form a large proportion of the agriculture labor force in Nepal and play vital yet unrecognized role in agriculture that sustains nearly 80% of the population.

Identification of knowledge Gap

The reports don’t supply the level of commercialization achieved by lady farmers. Similarly, the level of use of modern tools and their enactment in agriculture is yet to be unknown. The outreach of agriculture technician and government subsidy to farmers, in particularly the lady farmers is yet to be known. In rural society, people often don’t know that the agriculture has gone so much transformation and mechanization. So, their acquaintances with this stuff are yet to be known. Similarly, the newer approach in Nepal like agriculture insurance, agriculture loans and farm registration trend in Nepal is slowly increasing. Hence, our proposal study will try to recover all these areas with lady farmer’s prospective and gather a broader horizon. Hence, the study in our proposal is significance.

Research methodology

This research seeks to determine the problems faced by women in the agriculture and to uplift their status in the society through agriculture.

Research area

This study was mainly related in the field of agriculture regarding” women empowerment through agriculture” which was conducted in BAIRIYA, BANGANGA MUNICIPALITY.

Research design

A research design is the blue print of the study. The design of a study defines the study type( descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic) and sub type( e.g.- descriptive – longitudinal case study), research question, experimental design, data collection method, statical analysis plan. Research design is the framework that has been created to seek answer to research questions. It aims at understanding how a community or individual within perceive a particular issue to them. The nature of study was descriptive and exploratory.

  1. It is descriptive as it is based on detail investigation and record of study area.
  2. It is exploratory as the information derived from the study was focuses for analyzing the ways to accommodate the reduction in the immigration process.

Both primary and secondary data have been used for the study.

  1.   Primary data will be collected by observation, questionnaires and   interview.
  2.    Both published and unpublished materials related to the subject matter will be secondary.

Web source are the major assistance in bringing this study to this form. Internet was used to refer the book which aren’t available, refer the articles especially the analysis of writer, and refer the latest technique information regarding the research questionnaire and other research work.

Universe and sampling

Sampling is defined as the procedure of selecting a given percentage of population as a representative of the whole population.
During our research, we have selected 20 student of AFU( agriculture and forestry university), Rampur as universe of our study.
Five students as respondents were selected for the study in simple random basis.

Data collection techniques

On random basis, we selected five respondents and asked them to cope with us for our research purpose. As we targeted the one who were outwardly influenced for the commercial agriculture. We gave our introduction to each of them and interviewed them about the factors that are major problems during agriculture. The respondents gave brief explanation about the objectives that we had set for our topic.

Data analysis and presentation

Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and making data with goal of discovering useful information, suggesting, conclusion and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of name in different business, science and social science domains with the data collected; pattern would be drawn out of the concepts and insights. The pattern drawn will be out of the analysis which will bring about a better understanding in regarding the research.

                       Thus, we can conclude that” women empowerment through agriculture” is major source to uplift the status of women in many developing countries like Nepal. Various skilled and trained manpower can be gone rated. As agriculture is the major occupation of our country and there are involvement of women in large number. This helps to decrease the gap between men and women. And change the concept of men toward women. Women can uplift their standard and get chances to show their potential.


The study will require a sum of Nrs.1, 00,000 under following sub-headings.

Transportation(both ways)
Poster chart
Questionnaire preparation
Lodging and fooding(5 days)
Snacks for FGD(farmer group discussion) and gathering

Kaini, Raj(January 2017), agriculture is being feminized in Nepal following rapid exude of men, Republica
Khanal, Prativa(may 2014), women: key to agricultural development in Nepal
Women, UN (February 2017), women farmers of Nepal take charge of their issues and livelihood.
FAO, UN (2012), the state of food and agriculture.

Hope you have got some ideas of writing a research proposal and some research information about women empowerment through agriculture in Nepal.




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